Same shit different packaging. A different view from a Yugoslavian bore American on American politics and social issues...
Plug into the "COLLECTIVE"
Published on October 20, 2004 By bogiman In Politics
After listening and talking to some conservative friends and listening to the conservative radio and TV for some years now, I’ve come to release that most conservative Americans are like “Borg” (from Star trek), every day when they wake up they connect to the “collective” (the TV-Fox News or radio-Hannity, Libaugh, Savage, etc.) to get their daily dose of “BORG WISDOM” for that day.
This consists of:
• You are stupid!
• You cannot think for your self!
• That is were I come in… “The all Knowing”.
• You don’t need to check anything I say or do, because I have the ultimate wisdom and knowledge of everything and anything.
• Everything I say is an absolute truth, so as I said, no fact checking!…Is that understood?
• All you have to think or do is as I say or do.
• You are not to listen to any nasty anti-American lefty or a liberal. They lie and they are connected to the Federation (rest of the world). They only spew propaganda and make up shit.
• Don’t ever read or watch anything that wasn’t specifically prepared by me or one of the other GRAND-WIZARD-BORGS. You will catch a virus and become infected beyond cure, you might start thinking for your self, and you know that can be very dangerous, it is hard and dangerous to be all alone thinking for your self, do all the necessary research and waste time to educate your self. I was sent to do that for you… Understood!!!?

Unplug your self from the collective and “Let Freedom Ring”, it is deafening!

on Oct 20, 2004
I suggest you turn off your television, then, and read some of the conservative bloggers here. Draginol, Drmiler, Daiwa and Deadzombie come to my mind immediately as conservatives who are certainly individuals. Humerous post, though.

on Oct 20, 2004

I don't like FOX News. It's too biased. That's why I read the New York Times instead.

Speaking of New York Times, did you hear how they've officially endorsed Kerry?

on Oct 20, 2004
Nice bit o' comedy there, bogiman.

on Oct 21, 2004
"Liberty, Freedom, and the TRUE American Way!!"

Do you even know what those words mean or was it not covered in your manual for proper political discourse with individuals who are not of your political persuasion?

Ooga Booga!!

- Xave Grim
on Oct 21, 2004
Do you even know what those words mean or was it not covered in your manual for proper political discourse with individuals who are not of your political persuasion?

Please Grim spear me... I have no political persuasion, because in this country it has become completely irrelevant who you vote for. Republicans or Democrats it is the same bag of shit-tossed salad, just different packaging. The real choice is what kind of dressing would you like with that? Oil lobby, Military industrial lobby, Jewish lobby, Insurance lobby, Medical industry lobby, energy lobby, Vatican lobby, your personal friend from the big corporation kind of lobby, etc. You name it… Ultimately it doesn’t matter. To me it is apparent that we have just one party in this country with two different names Republicrats or Demopablicans which when you translate it to plain English means “Corporate cock sucking bitches” (best politicians money can buy).

My article is mostly just an observation about how I feel about the Republican following, not to say that the Democratic following is any better. It is just that the Republican side is so much more prepared and has the best strategists working for them and the “Collective” is a well oiled machine, where the Democrats are bunch of spineless wieners without much to say, but to blame the other side for everything from budget deficit to war to the vaccine deal to corporate giveaways and so on… Democrats are as much at fault for everything that is happening (if not more) due to the fact that they had no spine to stand up and fight.

PS. I can help you unplug if you need help but i bet you don't "the collective" is pretty strong and seductive. As they say "we should just nuke all them A-rabs" TRUE American Way!!
on Oct 21, 2004
Haha you make me laugh, problem is I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN!!

I am a freaking Libertarian who is voting for Badnarik!!

- Grim X
on Oct 21, 2004
True American Way, hmm, you have no idea what I stand for...Link.

How about you read what I stand for before you just ASSUME I go along with the sheep whether they are from the left or the right.

- Grim X
on Oct 21, 2004
Reply #5 By: bogiman - 10/21/2004 1:19:35 AM
PS. I can help you unplug if you need help but i bet you don't "the collective" is pretty strong and seductive. As they say "we should just nuke all them A-rabs" TRUE American Way!!

Not all. Just Iraq! And use tactical nukes.
on Oct 21, 2004


By: bogiman
Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 on Demopublicans - Repucrats
Message Board: Politics
After listening and talking to some conservative friends and listening to the conservative radio and TV for some years now, I’ve come to release that most conservative Americans are like “Borg” (from Star trek), every day when they wake up they connect to the “collective” (the TV-Fox News or radio-Hannity, Libaugh, Savage, etc.) to get their daily dose of “BORG WISDOM” for that day.
This consists of:
• You are stupid!
• You cannot think for your self!
• That is were I come in… “The all Knowing”.
• You don’t need to check anything I say or do, because I have the ultimate wisdom and knowledge of everything and anything.
• Everything I say is an absolute truth, so as I said, no fact checking!…Is that understood?
• All you have to think or do is as I say or do.
• You are not to listen to any nasty anti-American lefty or a liberal. They lie and they are connected to the Federation (rest of the world). They only spew propaganda and make up shit.
• Don’t ever read or watch anything that wasn’t specifically prepared by me or one of the other GRAND-WIZARD-BORGS. You will catch a virus and become infected beyond cure, you might start thinking for your self, and you know that can be very dangerous, it is hard and dangerous to be all alone thinking for your self, do all the necessary research and waste time to educate your self. I was sent to do that for you… Understood!!!?

Unplug your self from the collective and “Let Freedom Ring”, it is deafening!

You also very obviously do NOT know what it means to be a Republican! Just because we don't follow your preconcieved ideas and follow Bush that we are bad? GET A LIFE! And BTW you really should not put Fox OR Hannity in the same boat with Savage. I can check facts on my own without any help. thank you. Also just because someone follows Bush *doesn't* mean they are sheep!
on Oct 21, 2004
Don't be bringing the Borg into this! But anyways, I hate to mention it, but Dr.Miler is right, we check our stuff without just blindly following. But yes, just because I'm voting for Bush this year, doesn't mean that I totally agree with him on /everything/.
on Oct 21, 2004
I don't like FOX News. It's too biased. That's why I read the New York Times instead.

Speaking of New York Times, did you hear how they've officially endorsed Kerry?

Yes, that makes very good sense, since NY Times is more baised as a media than FOX news. Don't forget that as baised as FOX News may be, FOX doesn't endorse a presidential candidate. Go figure.